Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Pretty Little Dresses

One of the benefits of having another little girl on the way is that as far as clothes go she is very much set! I've been pulling out boxes of Rosie's old things and sorting through those itty bitty onesies and hats, trying to fathom how my almost 2-year-old ever fit in them to begin with. Uncovering my favorite baby outfits has been so much fun, it's been a bit like shopping without having to spend the money on new things haha. Although I admit on the subject of shopping, I did buy one new (new to us, that is) piece for the wee one recently:

It is from the 1950's and absolutely the prettiest shade of mint.

I also have been stocking up on new cloth diapers for the little one, branching out from our BumGenius collection with a few new Alvas. It is silly to get so excited over freaking diapers but I almost squealed when they came in the mail the other day. They are lovely!

And that's all for now!
xo nicole lauren

ps; our orders finally came in, the count down to the move begins! 

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