Thursday, January 2, 2014

4 Myths About Organic Food

painting by giuseppe arcimboldo 

Certain ideas about organic food comes up from time to time and make me realize that even though more people are paying attention to the 'know your food' movement there still seems to be some confusion pertaining to organic food. Here's a few myths (and their accompanying truths) that I have personally heard over the years. 

1. Myth: “Organic food is too expensive!”
Truth: I won’t deny that organic products aren’t usually priced higher than non-organic (aka conventional) fruits and veggies however you don’t need to break the budget. For starters, stick to the basics. Cut out cereals, granola bars and packaged snacks. You are better off just leaving that stuff out of your cart and making your own stuff. Since I’ve started mostly cooking from scratch I have found more room in my grocery budget to buy organic food. Want more tips on being frugal about your organic food? Read some of my tips here.

2. Myth: “Organic food is healthier!”
Truth: It can be, but the USDA label printed on organic products is just that, a label. (A label which in fact only means that the product is 95% organic).  Junk food with an organic label doesn’t negate that it is still ya know… junk food. Also thanks to shady lobbyists in 2013, companies do not need to disclose if there are any GMOs in their products and this includes the organic stuff. (If you want to know what “organic” companies are against transparency with your food, check out this info graph). 

3. Myth: “There is no difference between organic food and conventional food.”
Truth: Conversely, there are a lot of people who think organic food is the same as conventional products just with a higher price tag. Not so. Conventional produce are coated with pesticides and other harmful chemicals that can seep into food that you ingest. There is a reason conventional farmers wear hazmat suits when spraying the fruit and vegetables!

4. Myth: “Organic food has more nutrients.”

Truth: The verdict is still out on this one until a conclusive study says so. There hasn’t been anything found to prove that organic produce has any more vitamins or nutrients than its conventional counterpart. However conventional produce may have preservatives, artificial sweeteners, and colorings.

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