Friday, December 13, 2013

The Non-materialist's Gift Guide

This is about the time on most blogs where one posts extensive gift guides for the loved ones in our life. While those may be fun to browse for ideas, what do you do for that person who doesn’t care for materialistic things? Whether they are a die-hard minimalist or just trying to avoid the consumerism chaos sometimes it can be a bit of a challenge during the gift-giving season. I put together this list with maybe a nature-lover in mind, perfect for both the gentlemen and the ladies. Feel free to share some of your suggestions as well!

1. WWOOF membership.  Probably one of the coolest projects I have heard about in a while. WWOOF is an organization that lets people volunteer on organic farms in exchange for boarding. It’s all over the US as well as the rest of the world.

2. Speaking of memberships, other fun ideas: How about a pass for the state parks? Or the botanical gardens in your city?  The ideas are limitless.

3.  A charitable donation in their name. Is the person passionate about something? Making a donation in their name to a cause they support is a very sweet gift. One of my favorites is PlanInternational USA, a group very near and dear to my heart that does incredible things for families all over the world.

4. A unique experience.  Maybe they’ve always wanted to take rock-climbing lessons. Places like REI often have little areas dedicated to a calendar of classes and events going on in the area that might interest your favorite outdoorsy person.

5. Food.  It’s always a good fallback, whether it means making a delicious treat yourself or treating them to something like a local wine (sometimes the farmer’s market is a great place to start but even plenty of grocery stores will sell stuff from nearby vineyards). Or how about hooking them up with a year subscription to a CSA or organic food delivery?

& coming up soon... a list of ideas for making homemade gifts! 

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